Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I have been a bit of a hypocrite the last few months… I have not been following my own mantra of living the “KokoInspired” life…  In fact, I’ve been doing quite the opposite!  And… If we’re being completely honest, I have been extremely frustrated with myself and my actions of late.  I have to remind myself that the whole reason I decided to blend two of my favorite things (Koko Fitclub & Product Red) and created this blog, and by association… creating my so-called “KokoInspired” lifestyle is because I know that when I live this way I feel so much happier and healthier!!!  And “happier” and “healthier” are not how I would describe how I am currently feeling… Again, I have been feeling the exact opposite!!  The correlation is clear (at least to me)… So, I need to stop complaining, stop making excuses and stop feeling sorry for myself… & just do what makes me HAPPY!!!

I know the old adage… “do what makes you happy,” & It seems so very simple… find out what makes you happy, and then get busy doing it!!!
Well… I can tell you what makes me happy, and feel the best about myself, and life in general.  However, what I can’t tell you, and what is the most maddening aspect of this all, is why I continually self-sabotage my very own happiness!!!  It’s so very frustrating, and it REALLY needs to stop!!!  I need to stop rationalizing my choices and my behaviors…  I NEED TO STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!!

So… Once again I find myself in a familiar place,
standing at the “starting line,” of a race I continue
to fail to finish!!!  I decided to use the race analogy because this past weekend was the Falmouth Road Race… a race I hoped to complete this year, at which I failed miserably!!!  As race day passed I found myself trying to determine why I always seem to start out so strong… only to give up and quit the race!!!  I wish I could say that I had an epiphany, and
that this time will be different because I found the
answer!!!  Truthfully, I’ve had the answers all along, I have just chosen to ignore them… & I’ve paid the price for that!!!  I know what it takes to succeed… the question is “am I ready and willing to put in the WORK???

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I remember when the "possible" seemed "impossible."

I have been in such a 'FUNK' lately, and then today... I just let it go, & remembered life is far too short to allow myself to waste any of my time in a funk!!!
That said, excuse me for for a second as I take a deep breath... hold it, and then let it go!!!  I can't tell you just how badly I needed that, so thanks for your patience!!!  Admittedly, it's been a few days since my last post and I have so much to tell you about...  First, In case there was any doubt...  Yes, I took the "plunge" on Sunday and it was AMAZING!!!  I had no expectations regarding how it was going to feel physically or emotionally, besides the fact I knew it would be cold...  which it was, but it felt great and it was so much fun!!!  There is no doubt that I will once again be plunging with the BBC in Falmouth for their 9th Annual Polar Bear Plunge next year!!!  Want to join me?!?!  I'm serious!!!

Today is a big day for me, and "no" it's not just because I finally snapped out of my funk, believe it or not, I actually have bigger news!!!  I remember when I thought that one day, one week, one month or even one year wouldn't be possible...  & now, today... I find myself looking back at as many of the past 34 years as I can, shocked that I woke up this morning celebrating 8 years since my last drink!!!  Celebrating these past 8 years is one of the reasons I decided to take part in the 8th Annual Polar Bear Plunge in Falmouth, it just seemed "serendipitous," & was it ever!!!  This was something I would never have done, especially not alone, but there was something special about committing to something that was purely for your own personal gain, and then following through!!!  I have to admit that I got a huge jolt of confidence for the plunge while I was at Koko getting my blood flowing because I ran into Mary Obana-Lannon, one of the co-founders of Koko Fit Clubs, and she had such kind words to say, and they were exactly what I needed to hear!!!  THANKS MARY!!!!  Speaking of serendipitous moments...  I totally forgot that the BBC in Falmouth was located at the finish-line of the Falmouth Road Race, which completing is one of my goals for the end of the summer.  It was both inspiring and invigorating to "see" the culmination point of my ultimate goal!!!!

So, I leave you today with a huge smile on my face... not for what today stands for, but for the opportunities that tomorrow brings!!!

Have a GREAT day...


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Living an Inspi(red) life... & Enjoying the Journey!!!

Why Leap, When You Can Plunge!!!
It seems like an innocent enough question..

After reading this blog, a friend sent me a message to keep up "all the hard work," and I'm still in shock at my response...  It's not hard work, it's a life-style!!!  & that's just it...  I don't want my desire to live a KokoInspi(red) life to be a flash in the pan...  I want it to be a "philosophy" & "life-style" that guides me through life... & though I'm still in the infancy stage, I like the current path I am on!!!

That said, bring on the next adventure... an adventure Inspi(red) by the same friend that told me to keep up all the hard work!!!  So, today I find myself preparing to "plunge" into the frigid Atlantic Ocean as a part of the British Beer Company's 8th Annual Polar Bear Plunge in Falmouth, MA.  Current temp... 39 degrees, but I refuse to check on the water temp!!!  Regardless or the temp outside, or the water itself, I'm am excited for this event for many different reasons...  Whether it is pushing my own perceived limitations, celebrating my birthday (yes, still!!!), or truly celebrating my own 8 year anniversary... I think this "shock" to my system is exactly what I need, and it couldn't be happening at a better time, or place!!!

So, wish me luck!!!  I'm on my way...  First, of course I need to swing by Koko and get a quick workout in...  I've convinced myself that if I get my blood flowing the water just won't seem as cold...  Reality "no," but it can't hurt!!!  In addition to getting my blood flowing, let's be honest...  My days just aren't the same until I've put my time in at Koko!!!

I look forward to updating everyone on the insanity...  If my fingers aren't too numb to type later!!!!

Enjoy your Sunday!!!!



Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Very Koko Birthday!!!!

Thanks to Koko I was able to have my cake (cupcake), and eat it too!!!

If I'm being completely honest, I didn't really hold out much hope for my 34th birthday...  As the calendar turned to March, Wednesday, March 7th was going to be just another day...  I couldn't have been more mistaken, and that said, I've never been happier to be wrong!!!!

The only standard about this day was the way it started... an early morning workout at my Koko Fit Club, and it felt great, and was the perfect jumpstart to the day!!!  Shortly after I got home I received an email from my friends at Koko wishing me a Happy Birthday... accompanied by this great graphic (on the left).  It left me with a huge smile on my face as I left for work!!!

Work was work, but I love my co-workers and it was great to see them on my birthday, and though I didn't advertise it was my birthday... a few knew and wished me a "Happy Birthday."  & there was even an amazing cake baked by the office's own Betty Crocker, Ms. Ellen.  Not to minimize anything else that occurred, but the highlight of being at work on my birthday came when my new BFF, Becky, walked into my office with a birthday card and a pinwheel... She's amazing!!!

Admittedly, it had been a really great day up to this part... but, it wasn't until after work when the day/night really became memorable!!!  After work I met two of my favorite girls (Celeste & Kristin), who are co-workers from my last job... & as usual when we get together, we never skip a beat!!!  I think we laughed the entire time we were together, I can't wait to see them again!!!

After that, it was time for dinner... & this was the most unexpected part of my entire birthday!!!  I had recently been re-introduced to an amazing woman, and a wonderful dinner date...  Who some how has a remarkable ability to pick great places to eat.  Dinner was great (Island Merchant in Hyannis has GREAT fish tacos), conversation was better, & the chocolate / peanut butter cupcake from Cupcake Charlie's was the perfect ending to a great birthday!!!

Thank you ALL (the named, and unnamed) for making my 34th birthday one I won't soon forget!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

All It Took Was A Little Dedication & Determination...

Today I earned my "black" lanyard for my koko key... which means I have finally accumulated 100,000 koko points!!! (102,261 points, to be exact).

  • Ok, for those of you that don't know...  I think it's only fair that I take a few minutes and explain "koko points," especially how they are accumulated and tracked.  As a Koko Fit Club member we earn points by our various workouts.  At koko you can earn up to 500 points for each cardio workout that you complete, and up to 1000 points for each strength workout completed.  Of course, there is a far more detailed, and scientific, explanation for how one accumulates points, but this is my "bare bones" explanation!!!
  • The "color" of the lanyard you have signifies the amount of total points you have thus far accumulated as a Koko Fit Club member...
      • White Lanyard - 0 to 49,999 points.
      • Orange Lanyard - 50,000 to 99,999 points.
      • Black Lanyard - 100,000 to ???? (let's not get ahead of ourselves)
      • Yellow Lanyard - 250,000 to 499,999 points
      • Blue Lanyard - 500,000 plus
OK...  Now, back to the fact that today I earned my "black" lanyard...  There is a reason that I find myself so excited about this milestone this afternoon...  & it's less about breaking the 100,000 point barrier, because let's be honest, I've been a member for over a year...  I should have accumulated these points months ago!!!  That said, I didn't... & it's because I got lazy, and lost my drive and commitment!!! 

So, the reason I find myself so excited today is because it took me almost an entire year to earn my "orange" lanyard (50,000 points), it only took me 46 days to earn my "black" one (100,000 points).  Like I said...  It's amazing what you can accomplish with a little dedication and determination!!!

Even though today wasn't the easiest
of days for me personally...  
Thanks to a great mother, good friends (R.A.) and a killer workout 
at Koko, I'm ending my day with a smile 
on my face...  Let's see what tomorrow
has to offer!!!

From me to you...


Friday, March 2, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself...

Who am I & What is KokoInspi(red)

My name is Kevin… & I’m a 34 yr old man who has been seemingly battling his demons for over 20 years.  During this time the two main culprits have always been my weight and fitness… though as is the case for most of us, life has thrown plenty of curveballs in my direction that I wasn’t necessarily prepared for!!!  I guess for me the key has always been, what do I do, how do I respond, when I get knocked down.  Unfortunately, I can’t say that I’ve always handled these situations in the most positive and productive manner, but that’s me… a work in progress!!!!

KokoInspi(red) is the combination of the two movements… the two entities… that have greatly impacted my life in a positive and profound way!  Koko Fit Clubs & (RED) each, affecting me in their own unique, yet forever changing, ways!!!

Why Koko Fit Club
  •  The answer to this question can be found in 3 simple letters… K-A-I.  Kai was/is an amazing little boy that attended an elementary school where I had the pleasure of working as their substitute school counselor for a few months last year (2011).  One day at lunch Kai tells me his parents do something called koko, and I should try it.  So, I looked it up online and gave it a try and I loved it!!!  Little did I know at the time, that when Kai told me that his parents did koko, what he really meant is that they founded the company!  Regardless of how I was introduced to Koko Fit Clubs, I was, and I’m hooked!  Simply put… It’s “fit figured out.”  Koko is ALL about you…  It’s like having your own personal trainer standing by your side coaching you all the way through your workout!  The atmosphere and staff are amazing, and there’s no jumping from one machine to another with someone standing over you pressuring you to finish and making you feel self conscious or insecure.  All the guess work is taken out of your program, leaving you free to focus on your workout… It’s like fitness nirvana!!!!

Why (RED)?
  • Because simply put…  I love everything that (RED) does and stands for…  As it states in the (RED) Manifesto… “Every Generation is known for something.  Let’s be the one that delivers an AIDS free Generation.”  We ALL have causes/charities that are near and dear to their heart, and this is mine!  When I was 13 yrs old my father told me that he had HIV, and when I was 14, AIDS took his life.  I want to be a part of the movement that is dedicated to delivering a generation where no more babies are born into this world infected with HIV.  So, I support Product (RED), and I try and live an Inspi(red) life!!!

So, What’s the point?
  • The point is…  I am just so sick of being sick and tired, and I refuse to continue to sit around and do nothing while I wait for my life and luck to change.  I am taking back control of my life…  I want to start enjoying my life, so I want to begin each new day with a healthy mind, body and soul… & sit back, relax, and see where the journey takes me!  So, from now on I’m going to live my own version of the Koko Inspi(red) life, and this will be my forum to chronicle my pursuit of a life full of happiness!

I look forward to sharing with you,
