Sunday, March 11, 2012

Living an Inspi(red) life... & Enjoying the Journey!!!

Why Leap, When You Can Plunge!!!
It seems like an innocent enough question..

After reading this blog, a friend sent me a message to keep up "all the hard work," and I'm still in shock at my response...  It's not hard work, it's a life-style!!!  & that's just it...  I don't want my desire to live a KokoInspi(red) life to be a flash in the pan...  I want it to be a "philosophy" & "life-style" that guides me through life... & though I'm still in the infancy stage, I like the current path I am on!!!

That said, bring on the next adventure... an adventure Inspi(red) by the same friend that told me to keep up all the hard work!!!  So, today I find myself preparing to "plunge" into the frigid Atlantic Ocean as a part of the British Beer Company's 8th Annual Polar Bear Plunge in Falmouth, MA.  Current temp... 39 degrees, but I refuse to check on the water temp!!!  Regardless or the temp outside, or the water itself, I'm am excited for this event for many different reasons...  Whether it is pushing my own perceived limitations, celebrating my birthday (yes, still!!!), or truly celebrating my own 8 year anniversary... I think this "shock" to my system is exactly what I need, and it couldn't be happening at a better time, or place!!!

So, wish me luck!!!  I'm on my way...  First, of course I need to swing by Koko and get a quick workout in...  I've convinced myself that if I get my blood flowing the water just won't seem as cold...  Reality "no," but it can't hurt!!!  In addition to getting my blood flowing, let's be honest...  My days just aren't the same until I've put my time in at Koko!!!

I look forward to updating everyone on the insanity...  If my fingers aren't too numb to type later!!!!

Enjoy your Sunday!!!!



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